After years of R&D efforts VAR2 Pharma is finally ready to present our novel proprietary cancer targeting antibodies. The antibodies targeting oncofetal chondroitin sulfate have demonstrated very high broad solid tumor specificity and preclinical PoC for antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) applications in different cancer disease models. We are now looking for partners in the pharmaceutical industry […]
This publication out today in ACS Nano, VAR2 Pharma co-authors report proof-of concept for how oncofetal chondroitin sulfate on cancer cells can be targeted by nanoparticle-formulations of red blood cells. This system builds on a natural binding-module mediating attachment of malaria-infected red blood cells to oncofetal chondroitin sulfate presented in the placental and malignant tissue […]
VAR2 Pharma’s co-authors have published new work on how the VAR2 Pharma rVAR2 proteins are internalized into tumor cells after binding to cell surface proteoglycans. The cell fate of rVAR2 proteins is important in the context of chondroitin sulfate targeting strategies, in particular our drug-delivery technology, currently in pre-clinical development phase. Read more:
VAR2 Pharma has initiated an ambitious R&D program on development and translation of proprietary antibodies targeting oncofetal chondroitin sulfate modifications in solid tumors. It is the ambition of the company that these antibodies can be deployed in both therapeutic and diagnostic applications across multiple types of human cancers.
VAR2 Pharma will attend the upcoming “Matrix Biology Europe (MBE)” conference held in Florence, Italy, September 28-30, 2022. The MBE represents one of the most relevant congresses showcasing novel research in extracellular biological polymers as well as their possible clinical and biotechnological applications. VAR2 Pharma will be represented by Industrial PhD student Elena Vidal-Calvo and […]
A new patent application for using VAR2CSA in combination with novel linkers and toxins for treating solid tumors has been issued in Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Ireland and Switzerland. This new approval adds to the rapidly growing VAR2 Pharma patent portfolio on novel cancer treatment technologies. .
in this publication out today in Nature Communications, VAR2 Pharma co-authors describe how oncofetal chondroitin sulfate is regulated in prostate cancer. The study reports that oncofetal CS is regulated (repressed) by the androgen receptor (AR). When prostate cancer progresses into aggressive AR-independent disease states, these tumors up-regulate oncofetal CS in the tumor via an enzyme […]
VAR2 Pharma’s CEO, Dr. Ali Salanti, receives the preclinical Kirsten & Freddy Johansen Foundation (KFJ) Award for his life-long contribution to research. With the Award comes 2M DKK to continue the work on moving the preclinical assets forward to the patients at most need. Read more:
Through a Distinguished Innovator grant from Novo Foundation to VAR2 Pharma collaborator, University of Copenhagen, the ofCS antibody program has been awarded 1M euro to finalize the preclinical development of the novel cancer targeting antibodies. The grant was partly awarded to promote public private partnerships and entrepreneurship at University of Copenhagen. .
To support the world-wide urgent need for a vaccine against COVID-19 disease, Var2 Pharmaceuticals and VarCT Diagnostics have made their protein engineering and production pipelines available to a joint vaccine program ongoing at the University of Copenhagen in collaboration with AdaptVac ( and Bavarian Nordic (OMX: BAVA, OTC: BVNRY). Read more: